1st Int'l Conference - Security for the BLUE Economy
Athens - 23 April - Greece
EU Project
#SEC4BLUEconomy24 e-Booklet
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Speeches, summaries, who is who, etc.
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Blue Economy means the use of the sea and its resources for economic -preferable sustainable- development. Αmong others, the blue economy includes the economic sectors of maritime transport & tourism, critical coastal-offshore-subsea infrastructure, aquaculture.
The EU is controlling the largest combined exclusive economic zone in the world and its economy is highly dependent on a secure maritime environment. The global trade industry relies heavily on the maritime transport market. Shipping services, port operations along with logistics services are critical factors for the development of the economy. Offshore infrastructure such as Oil & Gas exploration or exploitation platforms, Wind and Wave farms, submarine Pipelines and Power cables are vital Energy supplies and also at the heart of the NEW Green Energy Transition. The majority of global data transmissions depends on subsea telecom cables ensuring financial transactions, emails, cloud storage or video conferencing. Maritime tourism, including cruises, yachts/superyachts and marinas is emerging as a powerful development tool. The aquaculture provides a large share of contemporary seafood production, feeding the demands of a rapidly growing population.
However, new security challenges are emerging, such as the attack on the Nord Stream pipelines, the unauthorized presence of UAVs around offshore infrastructure, increasing global risks to submarine telecom cables from geopolitical tension, unexploded ordnance at sea, terrorism, piracy and armed robbery at sea, migrants smuggling, arms and narcotics trafficking, Illegal fishing, even unauthorized exploration in a remote EEZ of EU member states.
Here in the Eastern Mediterranean, for the development of the marine domain, a secure environment which will not be threatened by any illegal activity is primarily required.
The strategic orientation of Maritime Security, requires the development of permanent and lasting synergy between all actors : state -industry -civil -law enforcement -military.
Security is essential to support the EU's Blue Economy and, by extension, the well-being of its society.
The conference aims to raise awareness, showcase specialized expertise and innovative technologies as well as highlight appropriate mechanisms for collaboration between government officials, local & international organizations, law enforcement & defence officials, representatives from the defence & security industry, critical infrastructure, shipping, energy, maritime tourism, insurance companies, for all aspects of the threats to the development of the Blue Economy.
We consider the Conference Agenda to be very timely, especially now with the emergence of new economic-energy-tourism synergies in the Eastern Mediterranean region.
Security for Maritime
(Shipping, Cruise, Superyachts)
Offshore Infrastructure
(Oil & Gas exploration/exploitation platforms, wind & wave farms, pipelines, power & telecom cables, aquaculture farms)
Ports, Marinas and SAR operations
Who should attend ?
Delegations from national, international organizations, centres, agencies related to the Marine domain
Members of Defence & Security industry related to the Naval sector
Dual-use Technology providers related to the Maritime & Security sector
Military, Coast Guard & police officers
Maritime security practitioners/ incident management officials
Representatives from shipping entities and port facilities
Cruise Ship Management representatives
Μarina facilities representatives
Representatives of yacht/superyacht owners and managers
Representatives of Aquaculture farms
Representatives from the Oil & Gas, Energy and Telecommunication sectors
Offshore and Coastal Oil & Gas, Energy, operators and installers
Shipyards of Patrol, Offshore Patrol, SAR, Mine countermeasures Vessels, Fast Patrol Boats
Unmanned Aerial-Surface-Undersea Vehicles manufacturers for surveillance operations
Search & Rescue (SAR) Helicopters manufacturers & operators
Μaritime security Training & Classification services, Educational programs
Regulators & Policymakers, Consulting executives in the Blue Economy
Investors, Legal advisors, Terrorism & War Risk insurance providers
Anyone who wants to have relevant information
Media Partners
You don't want to miss it!
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to REGISTER visit the EVENT INFO page
Distinguished Speakers
Welcome Address
Rear Admiral ΗΝ Georgios Floros
Deputy Chief of the Hellenic Navy General Staff (H.N.G.S.)
On behalf of
General Dimitrios Choupis
Chief of the Hellenic National Defence General Staff (H.N.D. G.S.)
Vice Admiral HN Dimitrios – Eleftherios Kataras
Chief of the Hellenic Navy General Staff (H.N.G.S.)
* Giovanni Cremonini
Head of the Sector for Maritime Security
Maritime Security (MD-PSD.SECDEFPOL.6.SEC1)
European External Action Service (EEAS)
* Christos Theophilou
Team Leader – EU maritime security and surveillance
Unit Sea-basin Strategies, Maritime Regional Cooperation &
Maritime Security (DG MARE.A.3)
European Commission
* Cdr (OF-4) HN Theodoros Bazinis
Head of Strategy, Policy & International Relations Section
Hellenic Navy General Staff (H.N.G.S.)
* Philippe Hermes
Téthys Naval
* George Xiradakis
Association of Banking & Financial Executives of Hellenic Shipping
* Vice Admiral HN (Ret) Vasilis Martzoukos
Hon. C.O. Of the Hellenic Naval Academy
Vice President
Hellenic Institute for Strategic Studies (HEL.I.S.S.)
* Lt Gen (Ret) Ippokratis Daskalakis
Director of Studies
Hellenic Institute for Strategic Studies (HEL.I.S.S.)
* Commodore HCG (Ret) Dr Nikolaos Deniozos
Hellenic Institute for Strategic Studies (HEL.I.S.S.)
* Dimitrios Piromalis
Associate Professor
Electrical and Electronics Engineering Dept
University of West Attica
UnderSec Horizon project
* Cpt. HN (Ret.) Ioannis Androulakis
Founder & Managing Director
UnderSec Horizon project
* George Kouzas
Project Manager
TELESTO Technologies
ODYSSEUS European project
* Roly McKie
SAR Advisor
IMRF-International Maritime Rescue Federation
* Dr Nikolaos Dourvas
Information Technologies Institute,
Centre for Research and Technology Hellas
* Antonios Peppas
ETME SA Engineering Solutions
* Serafeim Kroustallis
Project Manager, Defence & Security Business Unit
ETME SA Engineering Solutions
* Cpt (OF-5) HN Panagiotis Tripontikas
ACOS N2 Intelligence Division
Allied Maritime Command